Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Introductory Post is Introductory

The plan is for this website to be comprised of a few different features -- here is a rough summation:

Food Diary
-- I'll list what I've eaten throughout the day and possibly give you a nutritional breakdown. The idea is that I'll also discuss some of my choices and be honest about my mistakes and complete losses of control.

Recipes -- As I make different dishes and baked goods I'll feature the recipes, give you rundown of my preparation, and a review of the results. Again, I'll talk about the pros and cons of the dish in terms of nutrition. Hopefully I'll include some photography in the section as well.

Week in Review -- At the end of each week I'll do a quick analysis of my habits of that week. I'll discuss successes and problems and hopefully set goals for the next week.

Dining Out -- This section will include restaurant reviews, recommendations, and a general discussion of the struggle that comes with trying to eat healthfully when ordering off of a menu.

Weight Loss -- While weight loss will be discussed throughout the site, once a month I'll do a post that specifically address this issue. I'll post my progress (or lack thereof!), review the ups and downs from the previous month, and set goals for the following month.

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